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The Civil lawyers in Chennai provide advice and assistance in matters related to personal injury, commercial contracts, property transfers, claims arising out of negligence and deficiency under consumer laws. Chennai Civil Lawyers also advice clients on matters related to limitation. Civil Law in India Civil law is a unique type of law inspired by Roman law.

Civil laws are based on the historic customs that are stuck in codified and writing not determined as in the case of common law. "Civil laws are primary based on law system of Roman that usually provide a set of written and accessible collection of the laws which are applied to all citizens even to all legal professionals including lawyers, attorneys and judges must also follow the same. Legal code is the primary source of civil law which is arranged in some pre specified order according to subject matters." Civil law is one of the oldest and prevalent surviving legal systems in the world. Indus Associates Law Firm is well versed in civil laws, they handle various civil cases across all the court of Tamil Nadu.

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